pondělí 9. září 2013

Far away

Hi fairies,
hope your best friends are next to your dreams, because I miss mine so deeply! It will be three weeks since I last saw her in hippie free soul Trutnov music festival tent village. I miss our cheep wine sessions, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, crowded with new thrift store strikes. I am so far away in sunny Portugal, where there are no clouds on the sky and the ocean is so near. I get cheep BOTTLE! wino everywhere, exotic fruit and friends from all corners of Europe, and some of them are soo peerless cool, but still I miss my whole life best friend. Everywhere I go, I just see beautiful old houses and strange places which atmosphere awaits there for our photoshooting, I drink wino with people who care about its taste (god, they are so snobbish!) and so on. Miss my Bee in whole my everydays life.
Here are some pictures I got for those who are interested :), but I was so limited with my baggage so I was able to take just limited amount of my lovely clothes, so pictures are not as extraordinary as usual :D

neděle 8. září 2013

Long Story Short

I miss Ann. Life seems weirdly incomplete without her. It is so odd when you suddenly cant share every stupid little thought with someone, haha.

We still have a lot of photoshoots left to show you guys. We spent the whole summer outside taking pictures but never really uploaded them, because we were just too damn busy/tired/lazy (C is right...). This is one of them. One of the beautiful careless bittersweet days of this summer captured in pictures.

Hope you enjoy those as much as we enjoyed taking them!
Fairy Queens

(wearing: thrifted dresses, DIY crowns, oxfords + flea market pearls - Ann and GATE necklace - Bee)